Celebrate! Bed Time And Meal Time Book Review: How Kids Can Learn From Daily Routines

Our children are aware that there are certain routines that they need to do within a day from waking up in the morning to sleeping…


Our children are aware that there are certain routines that they need to do within a day from waking up in the morning to sleeping in the evening. Of course, let us not forget the meals in between or even playtime. 

The things that our kids do vary depending on their age. It would be a lot different if they already go to school. As parents, we make sure that their daily routine won’t be a mere routine after all. We want them to learn new things every day even during bedtime and mealtime.

We can do this by reading them a book before bedtime and sharing to them some stories while having a meal. This way, we are teaching them that even sleeping and eating can be a good time to celebrate.

One tool that parents can use in teaching the children is the Celebrate! Bed Time and the Celebrate! Meal Time books from Real MVP Kids. These books are specially designed for our little ones. They have stunning colors and cartoon designs that our kids will surely love. But that’s not all. What is more important is the lessons that our kids can get from them.

Celebrate! Bed Time: Learning New Languages

 Bedtime isn’t merely a way to end the day and get some sleep. Parents can take this opportunity to create memories and establish more bond with the children. In my case, I always read stories to my daughter Bella before she goes to sleep. But before I read her stories, I ask her how her day was and what happened in school.

Although we talk about this when she gets home, she feels more relaxed in sharing while lying down on the bed. After we talk, it’s time for bedtime stories. She gets to choose which story she wants. When we are done reading, we talk about the things she learned from the story.

The Celebrate! Bed Time book is a good way to teach new languages because it shows how people around the globe says “Good Night.” While Bella was entertained knowing that she can actually say Good Night in different ways, I was also learning. Lol. 

The book also teaches the children how to get ready for bed. This includes keeping their toys and cleaning their mess. And of course, one also needs to brush teeth, clean up and put on pajamas. This is also a routine that the kids should know.

So when it is time for bed, give your kids enough time to prepare. You have let them know that in 15 minutes, they will be going to bed already. This way, they are aware what to do next. There are also useful tips from the “Helpful Teaching Tips” portion of the book which is intended for the parents.

Celebrate! Meal Time: Learn The Value Of Helping And Family Bonding

Apart from eating healthy food, we should also teach our kids about the different ways they can help in preparing meals. Though they do not need to hold the knife and light up the oven, we can teach them to arrange the placemats on the table as well as the utensils. We also need to remind them to be careful all the time.

Bella is happy whenever I allow her to set the table. She also wants to help in cooking. Hence, I let her do the easier tasks like mixing or pouring water and others. This way, I’m not just making her happy but she is also learning something new. Once the children are involved in some chores, they will feel that they have contributed something and they will also be able to appreciate your efforts in doing these chores especially if they find it hard.

The Celebrate! Meal Time book teaches children the value of a healthy meal and how kids can help their parents in preparing for it. It also reminds kids to observe good manners and proper mealtime etiquette. 

One very important thing that I teach Bella is to always pray before eating to thank God for the food that we have on the table. And she does it all the time before eating. If you teach this to your kids at an early age, they will be able to bring that with that with them even when they are already adults and have kids of their own.

Eating meals together as a family is very important. This is one moment wherein you can talk about what happened in school or at work. Kids who eat meals with the family builds a better family bond with the parents and the siblings. Parents will also be able to monitor if their kids are eating well or not.

So if you are not eating meals together as a family, you can still do that. Remember that once you show your kids the importance of a family, they will feel more loved and will grow up to be a better person. And you can show this to them during meal time ande even during bedtime too!

For sure you would love to have your own copy of the Celebrate! Bed Time and Celebrate! Meal Time books. You can pre-order through their Kickstarter page or you can also support their book through that.

There are eight Celebrate! books from Real MVP Kids. Look forward to my review of Celebrate! Going to the Doctor and Celebrate! Going to the Dentist!

Also read my review of the Celebrate! Our Differences book which you can use in teaching your kids about how to love and care for others even if they are different.


  1. Seems like most of the blogs ive been reading lately are about book reviews and new titles worth reading. Love your selection here. I agree that bedtime stories or reading books isnt confined to cap the day off. It is a nice way to.bond with children and funny how we parents learn from the stories, too.

  2. My son's pedia would always remind us to read books, even bedtime stories to our son even at this early age of toddlerhood. I, too, love reading books and I wanted to influence my children the same interest as I have for reading. Those books, by the way, are catchy even for children. Just by looking at its covers, they seem interesting already!

  3. This book sounds really good for kids! I know lots of parents have trouble with kids sleeping. I always wind the day down with a book. It's so relaxing and as you say, a great way to bond. I just love the illustrations.

  4. Wow, I'm really filled with so much of idea of what book should I'll be allowing my kids to read in the future. Yes, I truly agree with all your points here that parents should be responsible enough on what books should they give to their children to read. Thank you so much for sharing about it and I enjoy it. I feel like I was brought back to my past.

  5. I have been reading Children's books recently and also written about it in my blog. Glad to know that this book teaches the young ones about healthy lifestyle. I will look for this book, so I can give it to my nephews. Thanks for sharing this. I bet both children and the parents have a great time reading the rhymes and stories. 🙂

  6. These books sound really interesting.I've found books for bed time from the library and from book shops.But,so far I didn't find a book for meal time.Encouraging happy and healthy meal is really helpful.I know I can easily change my kid when I read such a book for him!

  7. It makes simple things a source of celebration. I like how kids can have a different perspective in these routine activities. It will probably make them more agreeable. Plus, the illustrations are awesome.

  8. I think these books are great examples of how children can learn through playing. Even if it's a bedtime story, the child will still enjoy it and learn in the same time a foreign language. And everyone knows that the smallest the child, the better capacity of learning they have.

  9. Back when I was a kid, my aunts and mom would usually tell me a bedtime story. From fairy tale stories to the scary ones so I would be pressured to sleep! Haha. I like how the characters are drawn as well as the lessons they have incorporated. I've observed that some kids are too rotten (spoiled) that they even have little amount of respect for the elderly and it's quite disappointing. I hope that through this book, that could change things.

  10. Good choice of books. Thank God for these books they really guide you well! I have read some books that really helped me in bringing up my kids.Bedtime is one of the best bonding moment with kids.

  11. Very informative. I do not have a child of my own but I have a lot of nieces and nephews. I was actually curious about your post before I read them, on what exactly is Celebrate Bed Time and Meal Time. Never thought it has deeper meaning. I like these both especially that it teaches parents not only for the kids. It is giving awareness. Hopefully when I have my own child, I will have this in mind.

  12. Hi, I really like your article because this article is very informative & well descriptive. keep continue your writing.
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