Everything You Need to Know About Fleas and Ticks This Season

There are many dangers to our lovable fur balls, especially in the summer season. Our dogs can overheat and have heat stroke, cut themselves, hurt…


fleas and ticks

There are many dangers to our lovable fur balls, especially in the summer season. Our dogs can overheat and have heat stroke, cut themselves, hurt themselves, and even catch things. Spring and summer months are a prime breeding time for insects and other creatures that typically go dormant in the winter. So, what do you do? Invest in flea and tick prevention methods. There are many different options to choose from.

Before, flea medication was not synonymous with tick medication. The prescribed action to dealing with ticks was to pull them off and dunk them in rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover, as they could survive being drowned in a toilet. Now, however, you can get all-in-one treatments that kill off a wide range of pests like fleas, chewing lice, and ticks, all in one go.

Knowing When Your Dog Has Fleas

If your dog is constantly scratching, it is time to check for fleas. Use a fine-tooth comb to search through your dog’s hair. Search for both fleas and flea feces, which look like small black commas.

Knowing When Your Dog Has Ticks

Ticks can be very small, and very hard to see. They usually can be found by using a comb through your dog’s hair until you encounter a snag. Use medicated treatment to kill not only the adults, but also the larvae and eggs and break the cycle.

dog flea

Monthly Treatments

Monthly treatments are an easy way to prevent flea and ticks from infesting your dog. These products typically prevent fleas and ticks from returning for up to three months, but because re-infestation is always a concern, it is best to apply these products once a month for maximum effectiveness. These kill not just the adults, but the eggs, larvae, and pupae that are living on your dog.

Flea Collars

For longer lasting treatments, you can try a flea collar. These collars now kill both fleas and ticks. They need to be worn for the six months that the medication is effective and are waterproof, meaning they are long lasting! For full protection from fleas and ticks for your dog this season, a collar could be the right way to go.

Knowing what kind of fleas and ticks are in your area is also important. If your dog has been infested, you need to know which diseases could have been spread, so you can keep an eye out for the symptoms in both you and your dog while you are treating your furry friend. Remember to read and follow the instructions for these medications carefully, as misusing the medicine can result in your pet not being as fully covered as they should be. If you do find your pet has a flea or tick infestation, know that your home could be infested, too. Wash or replace the dog beds and carefully vacuum your entire home and wash your beddings.

If you believe an infestation has persisted, seek out help from both your vet and pest control. Fleas and ticks are annoying, but they can also be dangerous!

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