From Stretch Marks to Acne: How Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy Affect Your Skin

For many women, pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation – but it can also bring unwanted skin changes. While growing that beautiful baby…

pregnancy hormonal changes

For many women, pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation – but it can also bring unwanted skin changes. While growing that beautiful baby bump is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer, hormones during pregnancy wreak havoc on the skin in ways that are completely out of our control. From acne breakouts to dry patches and pigmentation issues, you may experience all sorts of disruptive skin concerns throughout your journey into motherhood. However, understanding how hormones affect your skin during pregnancy may help you gain more insight into what’s happening with your body so you can better handle any challenges along the way.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are a common occurrence during pregnancy, and the culprit behind their formation is hormones. As mothers-to-be undergo hormonal changes during pregnancy, the increased levels of hormones, such as cortisol and progesterone, weaken the elastic fibers in the skin. This leads to the skin being unable to withstand the stretching and growing of the belly, thighs, and buttocks – causing the formation of those love-hate marks. Though they may be seen as unsightly, stretch marks are a testament to the incredible physical changes women’s bodies undergo during pregnancy. So, while they may not be as exciting as your pregnancy glow, we can all appreciate the admirable strength of women’s bodies.


Pregnancy is a time of change, and not just physically. One of the ways the body responds to hormonal fluctuations is through acne. Hormones are the messengers of the body, telling certain processes when to start and stop. During pregnancy, the levels of different hormones rise and fall in ways that can cause acne. Specifically, androgens, which are usually associated with your baby’s gender development, increase during pregnancy. The sebaceous glands are sensitive to androgens, which means they can overproduce oil, leading to blocked pores and breakouts. Fortunately, acne caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy is usually temporary and clears up after delivery. Until then, practicing good skincare habits and avoiding harsh products may help keep breakouts at bay.

Linea negra

The beautiful journey that is pregnancy is filled with moments of anticipation, excitement, and joy. However, it also brings along an array of changes that can take a toll on a woman’s body. One such change is the appearance of linea negra, a dark vertical line that runs down the center of the belly. This line is caused by the increase in hormones during pregnancy, specifically melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and estrogen. These hormones stimulate the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. As a result, the skin around the belly button darkens, causing the linea negra to appear. While it may be an unwelcome change for some women, it serves as a reminder of the incredible transformation happening inside their bodies as they prepare to bring new life into the world.

Darker nipples

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a multitude of changes. One of these changes, though perhaps not as commonly discussed, is the darkening of the nipples. Many women notice that their nipples become darker during pregnancy, and this is due to a surge of hormones. Specifically, the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause an increase in pigmentation, which can lead to skin darkening in certain areas, including the nipples. While this may seem like a minor change, it can have a big impact on a woman’s body awareness and self-esteem. But did you know that darker nipples could be an evolutionary perk? It’s thought that the darker color helps babies find and latch onto them. Understanding the causes of these physical changes can be empowering for expecting mothers, helping them to feel more connected to their bodies and the incredible transformations taking place within.

Dry patches

The female body undergoes a myriad of changes during pregnancy, both physical and emotional, as it prepares to bring new life into the world. One common yet frustrating side effect is the development of dry patches on the skin. Many women experience this during pregnancy, and hormones are often to blame. This change can wreak havoc on the body, causing a range of symptoms, and dry patches are no exception. The exact science behind why hormones cause dry patches is still being studied, but research suggests that the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels may disrupt the skin’s natural moisture balance. Whatever the root cause may be, these dry patches are a small price to pay for the joy and excitement that come with welcoming a new baby into the world.

Hormones can play a significant role in impacting a woman’s skin during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women need to consider taking proactive steps, such as drinking plenty of water, using sun protection (think sunscreen, hats and umrellas), and following a healthy diet to help minimize the negative effects due to hormonal changes while expecting.

Additionally, consulting with a dermatologist may be helpful to have an individualized plan for their skincare regimen during pregnancy. Allowing for these proactive steps to become part of the everyday lifestyle can help promote better overall health for not just the expectant woman but also her baby. Pregnancy is a special time filled with many new experiences, including taking extra care of our skin so we can face this journey feeling beautiful in body and spirit.

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