Love Your Liver: Eat Healthy Food & Take Organique Acai Premium Blend

We Filipinos often celebrate getting through a busy week over beers and good food like chips and crispy pata! There is a strong tradition of…


We Filipinos often celebrate getting through a busy week over beers and good food like chips and crispy pata! There is a strong tradition of drinking in Filipino society; it is not uncommon to see people drinking on the streets or when they sing karaoke. It’s all about moderation, as the old saying states. A lot of alcohol and fatty foods are harmful to our bodies, especially our livers, which leave us vulnerable to diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer. 

There is a connection between these three liver diseases. According to Dr. Roel Tolentino, a surgical oncolopgist at St. Luke’s Medical Center, too much alcohol consumption can lead to hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver. Acute alcoholic hepatitis results from thisThere are two types of hepatitis: Hepatitis A caused by eating or drinking food infected with the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis B caused by infected blood and bodily fluids.s. Children can also contract Hepatitis B from their mothers.

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver caused by inflammation and damage to the liver caused by all these forms of hepatitis. Yellowing of the eyes and skin, fever, loss of appetite, and bulging of the stomach are some of the signs of hepatitis. Hepatitis and liver cirrhosis affect not just your liver, but also the rest of your body because the liver filters the chemicals and toxins our bodies encounter every day. The sources of these contaminants can include processed foods, alcohol, cigarette smoke, and even pollution. 

It also aids in the process of nutrient absorption and fights disease. We use our liver to cleanse our bodies every day, and if we are exposed to too much of these chemicals, then it will have a hard time adjusting.

Liver cancer is most common in people with hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Filipinos are now considered to be suffering from a “silent epidemic” of liver diseases, according to the Department of Health. It is often attributed to an unhealthy lifestyle by doctors.

According to Dr. Tolentino, one of the best ways to prevent liver disease is to eat more natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables. You can replace extremely fatty and salty foods with healthier snacks, such as vegetable chips or fruit smoothies. The amount and frequency of your alcohol consumption must also be controlled.

He also recommends avoiding multiple sexual partners and being careful about used needles, especially at hospitals, since this is how the Hepatitis B virus is spread. Lastly, he suggests taking food supplements such as Organique Acai Premium Blemd, which contains fiber, Omega 3, and antioxidants! We can protect our bodies (and livers) from disease by taking Organique Acai Premium Blend, which has anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening properties.

To know more about Organique Açaí Premium Blend, visit or call hotline, 0969-1754233. Available in all Mercury drugstores, S&R outlets and other major drugstores and supermarkets near you.

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