Preparing for a Move: 4 Questions to Help Determine Whether You Should Keep the Item or Toss It Away

Many homes are filled with clutter and items that are really unnecessary. Often, this clutter is not even fully realized until a person is planning…


Many homes are filled with clutter and items that are really unnecessary. Often, this clutter is not even fully realized until a person is planning to move. Every corner of the home can often contain items that are not used anymore or were never used.

There are also many instances where moving causes a homeowner to find boxes of items that were never unpacked from the last move. This makes it even more important to decrease the clutter before the move. It will reduce the amounts of things being transported and help to keep the new home clutter-free. These questions will help homeowners easily determine whether each item in the home should be kept or tossed.

1. When Was the Last Time the Item Was Used?

One of the best ways to eliminate the clutter in the home before a move is to get rid of the things that are not really needed. If a person is uncertain of the need for a particular item, they should consider the last time the item was used if ever. Ideally, if an item has not been used in more than five months, chances are it is an item that can be tossed.

The five-month rule is a great way to get rid of a lot of items in the home. This includes clothing, books, and other gadgets that had to be bought but were never used. There are companies that can help with a lot of the clutter removal in the home. The moving team from offers moving help that includes decluttering the home before the packing begins.

Of course, there are exceptions to the five-month rule. There are clothing items, gadgets, and equipment that are only used seasonally. If the reason for the lack of use in five months is due to this seasonal use, keep that item. However, it is important to not use the seasonal explanation as an excuse to keep items that really aren’t needed. So, the five-month rule can be extended for seasonal items, but if those items were not used last season, they probably won’t be used this season. It is time to get rid of them.

2. Are There Duplicates?

Many people pack away the old one just in case when they purchase a new item. Sometimes, they buy additional items for the same reason. The question is, “Just in case of what?” When a new microwave is purchased, will the old one really ever be used again? If the answer is no, then get rid of the extra one.

Bed linens, comforters, and blankets are other things people tend to stock up on. If there are only two beds in the home, there is really no need for 50 complete bed sets in storage. There is also no real reason to have a 20 place setting dishware set for a single person or couple. All these duplicate items are really unnecessary. Cutting down some of this clutter can create more room in the new home to allow space for things that are needed.

3. Is it Kept for Emotional Reasons?

Many people keep items in their homes simply because they feel guilty about throwing them away. Sometimes, this is due to feeling guilty about the money spent on the item. A person may feel like they are wasting money if they throw out an item they purchased but never used. Well, the fact is, the money was already wasted. It is over and time to move on.

The item or items are now taking up valuable real estate in the home and no longer have a purpose. Maybe a good way to ease this spending guilt could be to donate the item to someone who could get used out of it. At least the home would be free of clutter and the money was spent for a good cause.

Another issue people face is holding onto gifts they do not like from people they care about. It does nobody any good to keep an item that isn’t used or even liked. If the item is simply sitting in a drawer or closet because of guilt, it is time to toss it out. This is also true with many items that have sentimental value.

Belongings from your childhood or a relative that has passed on may be nice to have but, unfortunately, many of these items sit in a box in a closet or attic never to be heard from again. If they are taking up space and not being used regularly, it is time to let go and free up that space. Keeping memories or even pictures of childhood experiences or relatives is better for reminiscing than an item that will never be looked at. Those memories and pictures take up a lot less space too.

4. Will the Project Ever Be Completed?

Many homes are cluttered with unfinished projects. This can be an arts and crafts project that was started and put off until there was more time. In some cases, it is a broken appliance or another item that was intended to be repaired at a future date. Unfortunately, there is never enough time or motivation to finish these projects. This can create a lot of clutter in the home.

It can be hard to admit defeat and accept that those projects will never be completed. However, if a clutter-free home is really the goal, an honest assessment must be made of each of these projects. If they have sat for a long time with no real chance of them ever being completed, it is time to let go and toss them out. There is no need to carry these incomplete projects or broken items to the new home just to sit in another closet.

It can be hard and even somewhat traumatic to part with many of the items that clutter up a home. However, once decluttering is complete, homeowners will find their move will go a lot smoother without the additional items. They may also feel a sense of accomplishment when removing the items they really didn’t need. After the move, maintaining regular periods where the clutter is purged from the home will help to keep things more comfortable, tidy, and clutter-free.

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