Book Review: 7 Things Every Wife Should Know

Marriage isn’t just about happiness and good times. There are hard times that will make us stronger as a couple and as a family too….


Marriage isn’t just about happiness and good times. There are hard times that will make us stronger as a couple and as a family too. But what is more important is that we could learn how to overcome problems and each member of the family is able to play our roles well. If we don’t do our part, there might be a chance that there will be problems in the marriage and in the family as well.

But hey, I am not yet married but I my daughter’s daddy is my long time partner. And yes, we are looking forward to getting married if circumstances allow us to. This is one great dream we have and if this day comes, we will be the happiest people in the world. It makes me cry thinking of this because this relationship has been a struggle for us. After all the trials and challenges, we are still together for 5 years now and we will not let any trial break us especially that we already have a daughter.

Married or not, I have to play my role as a wife well. But I admit it, it isn’t really that easy. Sometimes, my patience drain out and I would say things that isn’t helping to fix some problems. Another factor that makes it hard is that we do not live together yet. Of course, we are planning to. Before that happens, I want to prepare myself as a wife. I consider this book, 7 Things Every Wife Should Know as a blessing. This is what I need and what every wife to be needs.

The 7 key virtues in the book called T-R-I-U-M-P-H will really help us to be a Godly wife. When we are Godly, all things will fall into its proper places. When we are Godly, we speak with words that are seasoned with salt. When we are Godly, we are able to cultivate the fruits of the spirit and therefore our actions are based on God’s standards and what the Bible tells us to do.

T-R-I-U-M-P-H stands for Triumphant Perspective, Respect and Submission, Independence, Unconditional Love, Marital Intimacy, Prudence and Humility.These are the 7 things we wives need to take note of and apply each and every day. This is a great reminder to us all. You will even feel good about being a wife after reading the book.

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I like that part when she mentioned that when we have heated arguments with our husbands, it is not our husband that we are actually quarreling with but it is Satan. And we should never ever listen to any doubts and bad whispers from Satan. Let us remember that God wants us to stay with our husbands for a lifetime and God wants us to be happy. So, we have to pray hard for God’s guidance. I need this because I have frequent arguments with hubby these days and sometimes, I just stop and not entertain it at all especially that what he is saying isn’t true. I just pray hard every time he is on it again.

If you are a wife or a wife to be or you want to give this lovely book of Viviene Bigornia as a gift to a friend, you can send the author an email at so you can get your own copy. This month, she is offering a 15% discount. So instead of  P395 it will only be P335 and that is free shipping! You can avail of this promo because this is only for the month of February.

Not from the Philippines? You can get this book from Amazon and it sure is worth the read. This will also be a perfect gift for yourself too!

After reading this book, I am sure I will be reading this over and over again as a reminder of myself that we have to be a Godly wife in order to have a successful marriage and a happy family with God in the center. 


  1. Aww thanks Kareen! I'm so blessed this book has served its purpose, in reminding all of us we need God! That's it really =)

    Thank you so much again!

  2. Nice book especially for married women. Some people think that being a wife is just a simple task but I think it is far more than that. This book will be a great help to remind us that love should always be God centered for it to last.

  3. Sounds like a great book. I hope to read it someday. I'm currently ready The Praying Wife, you might want to check it out too. I hope you and your partner will get married soon.

  4. The characteristics of every wife enlisted in this book are very ideal. A great book to help the wives and the would-be-wives to help surpass their every struggles within their marital lives.

  5. I am for long lasting marriage – the till death do us part kind. But it's not as easy as it sounds. Good and bad times happen but spouses need to hold on to God and to each other. Books such as this are indeed inspirational.

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