Unilab Salutes Unsung Heroes in #SalamatSaHusayAtMalasakit Campaign, Encourages Preparedness with Health Kit

When we were younger, we were taught that it is important to always be prepared. As little scouts, we learned that when we are ready,…

When we were younger, we were taught that it is important to always be prepared. As little scouts, we learned that when we are ready, we can face anything without worries.

As we grow up, we didn’t know that this lesson is actually something we have to keep in mind all the time. That is why, we have to get ready with things that will help save our lives or make things a lot easier. In my bag, I always have necessary stuffs that might save little troubles like a safety pin for unexpected wardrobe malfunction, a toothpick in case there isn’t one in a resto, or even a super glue. But I also have some medicines on my bag too. The ones that we usually need like Biogesic, Alaxan, and others. This is important in case of emergency.

In our homes, it is also necessary to have a medicine kit so everyone in the house knows where to look when they need one. But it would also better if you have a to-go bag or kit where all the necessary medicines are contained. This way, you are ready for whatever may come.

When super typhoon Haiyan struck our place, we weren’t that prepared but good thing we have a plastic container of medicines which we really needed during that time. That is why today, we have to be ready all the time.

Gather the medicines you need for the family, especially for those who have maintenance and place them in a container, just like the Unilab health kit that I just received.

The Unilab Health Kit and #SalamatSaHusayAtMalasakit Campaign

Unilab health kit

The kit contains many medicines from vitamins to pain reliever and many others. It really has everything we need. You can add some medicines that every member of the family needs too.

Unilab medicines

Unilab doesn’t just encourage us to be ready and they don’t merely provide us with quality and trusted medicines but they also know the value of every family member, as well as every Filipino. With that, they launched a program to recognize the “Husay at Malasakit” of a special person who made the “society a better place through the positive ways they impact the lives of those around them.”

health kit

As they celebrate their 70th anniversary, Unilab is giving Filipinos a unique way to show their gratitude through an online app that lets you send a free customized dedication cake to someone you want to thank for their love and support. Using the app, users can input their name and the name of their loved one which will be seen on the custom dedication cake that will be sent to the recipient for

For my cake, I choose my mother as a recipient because she obviously deserves it. If there is one person with Husay at Malasakit, she is the perfect picture because of everything she has done for me. I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for her. She never left my side no matter what happens. When I fall, she helps me get up, will help me realize my mistakes and help me turn those negative things in life into something positive that will keep me going. If not for her support and understanding, I do not know if I’ll be able to handle every problem that I encounter. She was even there when I gave birth and is still guiding me up to this day in raising my lovely daughter. I’d say my daughter is blessed to have two mothers on her side!

And of course, it has to be for my daughter too because she had taught me so many valuable lessons in life no matter how young she is. Being a mother is a bitter sweet experience and I am happy to have an adorable daughter like her. She is the reason for everything that I do in my life. As a matter of fact, she made my life worth living despite all the problems and trials I face.

free Red Ribbon cake

If you want to say thank you to your unsung hero, you can nominate one too. Just go to the Husay at Malasakit website and click nominate. Then fill out the form, submit a photo and briefly state why you will nominate said person. After submission, wait for the approval of Unilab through a confirmation email. It is that simple to be part of the #SalamatSaHusayAtMalasakit campaign! Or you can click at the button below to get your free cake!
husat at malasakit

So, what are you waiting for? Nominate someone special now and receive a free 8×8 chocolate or mocha flavored cake from Red Ribbon! And aside from that, you will have a chance to win one health kit from Unilab! Enter the giveaway below. Who knows, you might be the lucky winner of one Unilab health kit!

Unilab health kit giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a free Unilab health kit and Red Ribbon cake in exchange of this post. All text and honest opinions are mine and are not influenced by the sponsor.


  1. This is nice. I have two – a couple, actually. Our Best friends, King and Phoebe Lucero, who have been with us through good and tough times and never left. No conditions stipulated.

  2. I love Unilab products, and having a Unilab health kit at home is a sure way to be ready and prepared for emergencies or calamities.

  3. For me, the unsung heroes are the farmers, the fishermen, and the common workers. It's easy to romanticise their jobs, but really, they deserve a lot more! I love how Unilab is using this campaign to give praise to unsung heroes.

  4. My unsung heroes are my parents. They have done a lot of sacrifices in order to take care of me and my four siblings. They have never stopped up until this time when we all have our own families.

  5. I remember my professor in law school. He used to tell stories about the owner/president of Unilab, mostly good ones. It's good to know that a company as big as Unilab is giving praise to unsung heroes 🙂

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