3 Ways an Active Lifestyle Can Lower Your Risk of a Pulmonary Embolism

Health issues are a common concern for people of all ages. A healthy diet and lifestyle are practiced by the majority of people who are…


Health issues are a common concern for people of all ages. A healthy diet and lifestyle are practiced by the majority of people who are serious about improving the status of their health. A pulmonary embolism is one health issue that can happen suddenly to anyone of any age.

This is a blockage, or blood clot, in the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. The clots usually travel from the legs to the lungs but can come from other parts of the body. This can be life-threatening, but immediate treatment can often reduce the risk of death.

Pulmonary Embolism

Common risk factors for PE

Some of the more common risks factors for this disorder include being over the age of 40, having had a lower extremity fracture, a head injury, being on a ventilator for three days or longer, and having had a major surgical procedure. Other risk factors include heart disease, cancer, prolonged immobility, being overweight, smoking, and pregnancy.

Being physically active can help reduce all of these risks especially after surgery. This is one of the vital reasons that nurses get patients up to walk around sometimes immediately after surgery, or later the same day. A pulmonary embolism can develop quickly, so it is important to know your risks and lower your risk of the disorder.

Physical activity can help prevent blood clots

There is a lot being said about living an active lifestyle. The emphases is often on how physical activity can help prevent certain health conditions, and keep the cardiovascular system working properly. Movement can help prevent PE by keeping the blood pressure at a normal healthy level.

If the body is in good shape, cycling or running are great activities for keeping the blood flowing and preventing blockages. Physical activity is a great treatment for pulmonary embolisms. A person with an active lifestyle has already lowered their risk tremendously for a pulmonary embolism.

lower risk Pulmonary Embolism

Physical activity helps keep weight down

Being overweight is one of the most common risk factors for PE. Daily exercise, or frequent movement activities will greatly help you get down to, and maintain a proper weight. Usually, excess weight will cause you to be immobile which is an invitation to PE.

Lower your risk by losing weight, and staying active to keep your weight down. If a physical activity seems like an unattainable goal, start with something easy like walking out around the yard a few times each day, then gradually increase to walking around the block.

Physical activity keeps your blood flowing

Staying physically active is vital to reduce your risk of developing a pulmonary embolism. If you sit or stand for extended periods of time without much movement or stretching, you are putting yourself at risk for developing a blood clot. Movement is the key to prevention and treatment of pulmonary embolism because it keeps your blood flowing. Physical activity is stressed by medical professionals to lower your the risk of many health conditions including pulmonary embolisms.

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