Couples Have Trouble Conceiving

Yes, not all people could easily conceive and have a baby. Others undergo a hard experience in order to have a child.  According to, 10%…


trouble conceiving

Yes, not all people could easily conceive and have a baby. Others undergo a hard experience in order to have a child.  According to, 10% of couples have trouble conceiving. Some would take medicines and others will even go beyond medicines and try doing some rituals too. I have heard of couples who would dance to a certain saint so they will be given a child. Others would offer something or would sacrifice something to get what they have wanted for a long time.

I know some people who are having problems like this. They have consulted the help of doctors and even quack doctors. But until now, they do not have a child yet. But still, they never lose hope. God knows the perfect time for a couple to have a child. Maybe it isn’t the right time for them yet. I know that with prayers, they will be able to have a child.

I have written something about Maternity fashion and about 10% of couples that have trouble conceiving on the other blog Dash de Petites. Go ahead and check it out!

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