Why You Should Seriously Consider Organic Nappies for Your Baby

Disposable diapers may be a mom’s best friend, but it is one of the planet’s worst enemies. A study by the Clean Air Council revealed…


Disposable diapers may be a mom’s best friend, but it is one of the planet’s worst enemies. A study by the Clean Air Council revealed that in the US alone, about 49 million diapers are disposed of every day. This accounts for two per cent of all the country’s garbage. In fact, diapers are said to be the most significant contributors to landfills.

The reasons why organic baby products like nappies are developed and sold in retail are not only to empty these landfills but also to provide safe and non-toxic alternatives to traditional and synthetic baby products. If you are still not persuaded to go for these natural and organic alternatives, these reasons might sway you toward the right direction.

Synthetic diapers contain petroleum-based, non-renewable ingredients.

Synthetic diapers are made of petroleum-based ingredients like polypropylene, perfume, gelling material, wood pulp, petroleum, and polyethylene. These ingredients are also non-renewable. This means that the mere act of producing these diapers can already release dioxin to the environment. This is a toxin that has long been revealed to be linked to cancer. It was also proven to pose more significant threats to developing fetuses.

Organic nappies, on the other hand, are made from non-toxic ingredients. The fabric is also gentle on your baby’s skin.

Organic nappies are made of light, soft, and breathable fabric that will not irritate the skin. Unlike disposable diapers, they would not cause diaper rash. Since the material is not synthetic, your baby’s skin can still breathe. It does not trap moisture, thus effectively preventing skin irritation. Synthetic fibres are painful and itchy for the baby. With organic nappies, you need not worry about these uncomfortable and painful feelings.

Organic nappies are economical and safe for the environment.

Most organic nappies are earth-friendly and biodegradable. And since you can reuse it, it is also a more economical option. On average, a family spends $2,000 to $3,000 for the first two to three years of using disposable diapers. If you shift to cloth diapers, in the same period, you will only spend close to a few hundred dollars. Since they are reusable and washable, you can use and reuse them for more than one baby.

Babies who use organic nappies potty train faster.

Based on parents’ collective experiences, they noticed differences in how fast their kids potty trained right after they switched to organic baby nappies. In the 60s, children started potty training at 11 months, and they were completely trained at two years old. This was way before organic baby products like nappies were introduced to the market.

Babies who are using cloth diapers feel the wetness naturally since the cloth is not usually water-absorbent. Through this, the child understands his natural body functions by relating the wetness he felt with the need to urinate or poop.

With disposable diapers, the pads are usually absorbent, so the baby cannot feel the urge when the need to urinate arises.

The Takeaway

Parents love to use disposable diapers out of convenience. Disposable diapers mean they do not have to clean up on their babies now and then. It is also clear that they do not have to change diapers now and then. Yes, this may be a convenient option, but in the long run, it can trigger skin irritation and other adverse conditions. So, if you were to choose between disposable diapers and organic nappies, make sure to choose the latter.

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