Woman Banned from Breastfeeding Because of Tattoo

There had been issues about breastfeeding- on various angles and occurrences. But this one is different as it involved tattooing and breastfeeding. A 20-year-old Australian…

There had been issues about breastfeeding- on various angles and occurrences. But this one is different as it involved tattooing and breastfeeding.

mother banned breastfeeding tattoo

A 20-year-old Australian woman was tattooed after giving birth and was banned from breastfeeding by a judge as it may expose the baby to some risk, AFP reported.

“Does that mean that women who expose themselves to any sort of risks around the contraction of a blood-borne virus… shouldn’t be allowed to breastfeed?” the unidentified woman, who had submitted an appeal to be heard by the Family Court in Sydney on Friday.

The woman had a tattoo on a finger and a foot without telling the tattoo artist she was breastfeeding.

Because of this, the father of the 11-month-old boy, who is separated from the mother, claimed that his former partner had mental health and drug issues, thus, taking custody of the child.

The Federal Circuit Court agreed on the woman’s petition to have primary care of the child provided that she avoid breastfeeding.

Despite coming out negative for hepatitis and HIV tests, she was still prohibited to do breastfeeding because she may have contracted a blood-borne disease when having the tattoos.

Chief executive Rebecca Naylor of the Australian Breastfeeding Association said that as long as the tattoo was done in a reputable way and the infection control procedures are followed, the woman is safe and capable of breastfeeding.

So, what do you think of this story? I honestly think the woman could and should breastfeed her son. The HIV and hepatitis results turned negative anyway. And it would benefit the baby. 

We have to bear in mind that not all moms are able to breastfeed their young ones. This woman was blessed to produce milk and provide milk. Why hinder that blessing?

Yes, it is not safe to have a tattoo WHILE pregnant but this case is different because she was tattooed after giving birth and was even tested to speculated risk that may harm the baby. 

What are your thoughts?


  1. Wow…after the tests came back negative they should have let her nurse her child. Governments have too much say so sometimes.

  2. Why is it acceptable to think that a grown woman can't make rational decisions about her body and her child?

  3. I think people wiht tattoos are often discriminated against because people think they are less professional, or irresponsible. I would like to see what statistics they have on the negative effects of the tattoo on breastfeeding because I think it seems irrational and unfair to the child and mother to take away the bonding of breastfeeding.

  4. That seems crazy to me! I'll have to talk to my husband about it and see what a medical professional has to say about it, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I am curious though, did she flat out lie about not breastfeeding, or just didn't share the information because it never came up? Like, was she trying to hide it because she knew she was doing something that she'd get in trouble for…? I dunno, very strange.

  5. I guess she never thought that she'd be banned from breastfeeding after having a tattoo. Because if she knew it would happen, she would never get a tattoo. It sure is unfair on her part because the tests were negative but still, she wasn't allowed to breastfeed. I even think, what if she breastfeed without anyone looking?LOL! As long as it is safe for the baby, why not?

  6. Excuse me, but are you fkn kidding me??! Why are people so darn close minded? It shouldn't matter what you look like for people to make a determination about who and what kind of person you are. That's insane!

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