Mothers and the Youth Unite for a Worldwide Breastfeeding Campaign 2013

The world has changed. People think differently and act differently even when it points to a natural thing. Some people have forgotten the value of…

The world has changed. People think differently and act differently even when it points to a natural thing. Some people have forgotten the value of breastfeeding which moved many breastfeeding moms and advocates to once again open the eyes of the people about this amazingly ordinary thing that benefits both the mother and the baby. Why is something good being dumped anyway? Let us take a brief review on the benefits of breastfeeding so that those who are unaware of it will be informed.

Benefits for Mom and Baby

Breast milk is made for babies and so it has to be given to them. No formula can duplicate the nutrients that breast milk can give. There are mothers who prefer to breastfeed on the first stages of the baby’s life. This is perfectly fine because it is during those times that the baby needs it the most. Aside from being a natural thing, breastfeeding can also give the following benefits to the baby:

1. Strong immune system against infections and diseases like ear infections, respiratory illness, gastro-intestinal infection and others
2. Decrease in probability of Sudden Infant Death (SID)
3. Saves baby from obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, eczema, child cancer and others.
4. Will grow up feeling secured, mature and assertive
5. Increase mother and baby attachment
6. Better mental and physical development
Aside from the positive things it can give the baby, it can also benefit the mother in so many ways. As a breastfeeding mom, I totally agree that breastfeeding is not just a convenient thing but also brings in a lot of wonders for me and my baby. For mothers, we are benefited from breastfeeding through the following:
1. Convenience since breast milk is readily available
2. Helps burn up to 500 calories a day and get back our figure
3. Protects moms from ovarian cancer, breast cancer and weak bones in later life
4. With delayed ovulation, moms can practice child spacing
5. Promotes emotional health
6. Ability to provide free and inexpensive milk

Since breastfeeding can benefit both the mother and the baby, it is indeed an amazing thing. Once mothers are aware of these benefits, they would be moved to do it for their babies and would not be bothered with what other people would say about it.

Let Us Support Breastfeeding

Issues on breastfeeding in public were raised. Moms were restricted to breastfeed in restaurants, airplanes, parks and other public areas no matter how discreet they are. But moms continually stood up for their rights and for their babies’ rights.  Some mothers would not decide to breastfeed due to the belief of some breastfeeding myths or are not really able to provide milk to their babies even if they want to. It is important that mothers are provided with accurate information about breastfeeding so that they are aware of their rights and the benefits they can get from something natural and ordinary.

As we celebrate Breastfeeding Month this August and the World Breastfeeding Week from August 1-7, 2013, let us take steps to instill awareness not just to mothers but to every individual worldwide. With that, the Rotaract Club of Kandaya-Tacloban Community Based, which is an organization I work with, would take steps in promoting breastfeeding through a Worldwide Breastfeeding Campaign. Breastfeeding is one the advocacy of Rotary International. Rotaract club is a Rotary sponsored club comprised of young people with more than 8,400 clubs around the globe. It is our aim to work hand in hand with mothers to promote awareness on breastfeeding and to inculcate respect in the hearts of every individual towards breastfeeding moms. The campaign starts August 6 and will end September 30, 2013.

We are inviting other Mommy Bloggers to share their stories and articles about breastfeeding so that everyone who would stop by could get every single information they need through your blogs and websites.

We are also inviting all the Rotaract Clubs around the globe to join us in this campaign. All you have to do is:

1. Create a banner or an image that promotes awareness for breastfeeding.
2. Post it in your Facebook Page or Website.
3. Encourage other people to share it.
4. Post a link in the linky list below. Provide the link, name of club and email address.

At the end of the campaign, we will create a compilation of all the banners that each Rotaract Club has created and would cascade it to other Breastfeeding Advocates so that it can be used for their own campaigns. Now what are you waiting for? Join us now and help save lives.



  1. I think it's great that World Breastfeeding Week is getting so much coverage this year. I didn't breastfeed (I exclusively pumped for several months though), but there's no denying the benefits. And it's great for other moms to come together and share their stories – support is absolutely necessary!

  2. I wish for the day that breastfeeding is normalized again and people remember that a hungry baby isn't going to wait until it's more convenient.

  3. This: "Breast milk is made for babies and so it has to be given to them. No formula can duplicate the nutrients that breast milk can give." That is exactly why I chose to breastfeed. The difference between formula and breastmilk is like the difference between processed foods and raw, organic fruits and veggies. The special breastfeeding bond is just a bonus 🙂

  4. Thanks for letting me know about this campaign! We definitely need to normalize breastfeeding again and remember that human babies eat human milk. I linked up!

  5. Great post! I nursed my youngest son until he was 14 months old and have been posting about breastfeeding all week for WBW!

  6. Thanks for this great post! I love BFing. My youngest just turned 1 and is still exclusively BF. 🙂

  7. This is a great article full of great information! I nursed my first for 18 months and my second for 28 months. My 3.0 we will see how long she makes it 🙂

  8. This is a fantastic post. Such a lovely reminder of the many, many benefits breast feeding has for your little ones (and for ourselves!). I breastfed my first for almost a year and a half. My second in 5 months now and I plan on nursing her for at least a year. I'm definitely in no rush to stop – it's such a special bond.

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