A Busy Mom’s Guide to Treating Yourself

Being a mother is no walk in the park. It’s hard work, and there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything…


Being a mother is no walk in the park. It’s hard work, and there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Self-care is often put on the back burner when you’ve got work, a family to feed, house to clean and a to-do list a mile long. You give so much to others; it’s about time you give a bit of love to yourself. You deserve it!

Here are five ways to treat yourself when you’re a busy mom.

1. Hire a professional cleaner

Now, this doesn’t mean you need to hire a cleaner to come once a week, though if you’re financially capable than it’s worth the investment. Daily cleaning such a doing the dishes, sweeping and scrubbing countertops are typically manageable for you and your family. Where it becomes more time-consuming is when it’s time to deep clean. Scrubbing walls, taking everything off shelves to dust, cleaning windows etc. is exhausting and you need to set aside full days that you probably don’t have. Hire a professional cleaner to do the deep cleans, and you can focus on the tidy ups.

2. Have a spa day

Get out of your house and visit that spa. Choose that place that you’ve always wanted to go to but never had the time. Splurge out and get the full-body massage, after all, you don’t do this often. Look for a spa with excellent ratings that offers luxury treatments as opposed to getting a manicure at the mall nail salon. Let yourself relax, be pampered and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

3. Buy yourself something nice

Ditch your slobber-stained t-shirt and sweatpants and treat yourself to a new outfit or diamond earrings. As a mom, you probably don’t spend money on yourself very often. But with all the hard work you put in, you deserve a treat. A new piece of jewellery or clothing is something that is just for you. Do yourself up a bit and go out with friends or your partner. Wearing new diamond earrings or a new dress will make you feel fabulous.

4. Take a class

Whether you have time to sign up for a weekly class, or only as a one-off class, taking a personal interest class is a great way to treat yourself. Hobbies are something that many moms don’t have time for, but they are a way to maintain your personal identity. During your time in class, you can forget about everything else going on and focus on something you love. If you like art, try going to a paint night once a month. If you’re spiritual, join a meditation class. It will also allow you to meet like-minded individuals and be social outside of your home.

5. Go out for a nice dinner

Hire a babysitter and take yourself out for a fancy dinner. Mac and cheese can get boring after a while, and the kids aren’t interested in sushi or tapas. Whether you indulge solo, with your partner, or with friends going out to a nice place will make you feel great. You’ll get a much-deserved night off from cooking and have the chance to try new delicious cuisines that you couldn’t otherwise. Go ahead and order that expensive wine as well!

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