Celebrate! Going to the Doctor & Dentist Book Review: Teach Kids How To Avoid Anxiety During Checkups

Parents will agree that kids are anxious when it is time to visit the doctor and the dentist. They feel like they will be in…


Parents will agree that kids are anxious when it is time to visit the doctor and the dentist. They feel like they will be in pain or they will be forced to do something that they do not like. That is why it is important to prepare them for a visit to a doctor or a dentist.

We have to let them know that they will not get hurt and that there is nothing to be afraid of. Before, Bella would cry if I tell her that we will see her doctor. I talked to her about the reason why she needs to see a doctor. This way, she understood that she will benefit from her visit and that it is for her own good.

Aside from that, we also bring her to McDonalds or anywhere she wants to go after a doctor’s visit as long as she isn’t that sick. Because sometimes, we really end up in the hospital because we need to confine her. But if it is a mere checkup, we bring her somewhere else as a prize for being a good girl.

But another good way to encourage the kids to see the doctor and the dentist is through the Real MVP Kids book titled Celebrate! Going to the Doctor and Celebrate! Going to the Dentist. Yes, there is a reason to celebrate this and let us find out below.

Celebrate! Going to the Doctor

The book shows us how visiting the doctor can be fun. The kids should know that doctors are their friends and will help them with their illness. The doctor will also make sure that they remain healthy and strong.

One good way to make the kids love going to the doctor is to let them pretend to be a doctor. Buy them a doctor’s toy kit and let them pretend to check their toys, just like what Doc McStuffins do. This way, they will be excited to see their doctor so they will know what a real doctor does. They will surely imitate their doctor during playtime. And like Bella, your kids might even want to be a doctor too.

Aside from that, you can also tell your kids that the doctor is happy and excited to see them. Then after the checkup, go somewhere fun like in the mall, a playhouse and other places that your child loves. And of course, read the Celebrate! Going to the Doctor book to them so they will know that seeing their doctor is actually an exciting day and a good reason to celebrate.

Celebrate! Going to the Dentist

The doctor isn’t the only person who takes care of our health. But the dentist is also here too to make sure that our teeth and oral health is good. Many parents take oral health for granted but this is actually very important.

Parents should teach the children about the importance of their teeth. Tell them everything about the teeth. Some parents exchange their child’s tooth that fell out with a coin or a gift which could also be a good idea. Although tooth fairies are not real, at least this excites kids whenever a tooth is already wobbly because they know they will get something in exchange of the tooth.

You can also read the Celebrate! Going to the Dentist book to your kids so they will know what happens during a checkup. This will prepare them for the visit and you can also convince them that visiting a dentist isn’t scary at all.

We know that sitting on a big chair under a bright light is scary for the kids (and even for adults too!) but you can talk to your children about this.The book also contains tips on what you can do once you are already in the clinic. You can find this at the Helpful Teaching Tips portion of the book.

Both books will surely change the way your kids look at going to the doctor and the dentist. They will realize that it isn’t that bad after all. This way, you can help lessen your kid’s anxiety during the day of the check-up by making it exciting for them.

Aside from the Celebrate! Going to the Doctor and Celebrate! Going to the Dentist, there are other helpful books from the Real MVP Kids like Celebrate! MealTime and Celebrate! BedTime where they can learn to enjoy daily routines and even the Celebrate! Our Differences that will teach them to love and value others.

If you want these books, you can check the Real MVP Kids website and their Facebook Page for updates.

One comment

  1. It's nice that more books are being written to help kids appreciate the work of doctors/dentists. My kids are not afraid to visit the doctor or dentist. But there are kids who are. Maybe, they were frightened by someone or they had a scary or painful previous experience.

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