Earth Needs Moms: The Different Roles Mothers Can Do

Of course, it does. No one will disagree with me that Moms are really valuable and that each of us needs them. Well, the title…


Of course, it does. No one will disagree with me that Moms are really valuable and that each of us needs them. Well, the title was inspired by the movie Mars Needs Moms where the aliens took mommies in order to help them take care of their babies and to instill discipline to them. 

But this isn’t about the movie. This is about the value of mothers. Even though their importance is obvious, I just thought of writing something about moms today since it is Mother’s Day. This might also remind ungrateful people (yes, they exist) about the value of their mommies. 

The Different Roles Mothers Can Do

Moms can do a lot of things which other people might not be able to do. Today is Mother’s Day but the truth is, every day is Mother’s Day! Always show your love to your mommies every day. I know you won’t wonder why moms are important. 

But here are a few things I have for you which makes mothers so important. Of course, there are more than just 10 things that moms can do. You can add some in the comment section, too. Earth needs moms because of these 10 things they can do for us:

1. A doctor. Moms kiss the boo-boo away. When you are in pain or you are sick, moms become an instant nurse or doctor. She can heal you even with mere hugs and kisses. Boo-boos will go away with Mom’s magic touch. She heals both physical and emotional wounds that we have.

2. A teacher. Moms teach us so many things from basic shapes to alphabets, from good manners to proper etiquette. There are tons of things we learn from moms. The learning we get from her prepares us for the real world when we start to go to school and meet other people. She makes and molds us into better individuals.

3. A trainer.  Moms train us in whatever field we are good at. Yes, even talents and skills are taught by mommies. They help us develop those skills even when we were still babies. We owe it to her whatever we will become when we grow up.

4. A chef. Moms are good at cooking (well, most are). They can prepare luscious meals for the family that is full of nutrition. She makes sure that we only eat food that is healthy.

5. An engineer. Moms already are great foundations for the family but they can do more than that. They can help you create your own foundation for the future. She will always be there to support you. She will cheer for you on recitals and support every step you want to take. With that, she is an engineer. Aside from that, she can also help you fix your toys when they have their own boo-boos. 

6. An accountant. Moms make sure that every single penny is spent well. She accounts everything that is spent for the family. The good thing is, she will never forget to allocate some for your weekend game tokens and family outings. She knows how to balance the family’s finances and activities as well. She makes sure that liabilities become assets.

7. A fashion designer. Moms are so good at making you look like a Hollywood star and she can do that even on a tight budget. She can make your own clothes and other accessories (well, some moms can). She can make you look great on every occasion you will attend and in every single day of your life. She wants to make every moment to be fashionably memorable.

8. An architect and interior designer. Moms have good design skills. She can give you a home that looks nice and comfortable. Moms also keep everything at home clean and organized. Even your cluttered toys and books are well kept. She also knows where to find something especially if Daddy loses it. A home will not look like a home without the magical touch of a mom.

9. A leader. Moms are good in disciplining the kids and in imposing family rules. She can even give commands with one stare and one note from her voice. She is even better than a battalion commander or a nation’s president because her rules are followed and the results are great. 

Her boundaries will make you a better person even if you don’t like it at first. But then, you will realize that she is just keeping you out of trouble. She can be a good leader while still respecting the lead of Daddy. Yes, a good leader is a good follower. Mom is an example of that. In making decisions, she consults Dad even if she can decide things on her own. You call that respect.

10. A superwoman. Who could do everything we have stated above? Moms can. Aside from that, moms love unconditionally. Nothing compares to the love of a mother. She will love her kids without anything in exchange. She also bears babies and carries them in her womb for 9 months. From that time, she starts taking care of her baby. She makes sure that while the baby is inside her, she is safe because she wants to give birth to a healthy baby.

Moms taught us to become functional adults. The love that they give us from the start of conception up to this day is immeasurable. They even make sure that we are always happy and that we are away from any kind of troubles and boo-boos. She can even be a child again so that she can play with us whenever we want to. 

We are indeed blessed that moms live on Earth. We are so blessed that we were given mommies to take care of us all the time. Without them, we would merely be like the aliens from Mars. 

So, always show your appreciation for all their sacrifices because we owe our lives to them. Just love them and take care of them – that is more than enough. 

Earth Needs Moms: The Different Roles Mothers Can Do

Giving some love to all moms out there especially to my Mama and grandmothers too! 


  1. 🙂 Very sweet entry! As one of the co-hosts from the My Favorite Posts Weekend SHOW OFF Party! I wanted to personally thank you for linking up with us & to invite you to add me to your G+ circles or follow me on Twitter or Facebook as I’ve done the same with you. Also, I run a link party on my food blog, Anyonita Nibbles where you can link up recipes or food related posts. This week’s party is here:

  2. How sweet! I loved your post on mommies! Thank you so much for sharing this with us @ The SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party 🙂

    The Wondering Brain

  3. Hi Anyonita. Thanks for checking my article on Moms. I'll check your site too as well as your party. See you in G+

  4. I have read your post to my mom and she cried a bit. I can't make a huge comment because to me it all ends with one sentence: Moms are heroes. I know mine is. <3

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