Have you considered adding vegan kefir to your daily diet?
This yogurt-like substance is an extremely healthy food that you can drink. It tastes and looks like runny yogurt. The main difference happens during the fermentation process, where kefir is mixed with far more substances than yogurt.
As you might expect, this makes it pack a greater punch than your standard yogurt. Drinking a vegan variant will provide you with all of the incredible benefits of kefir while protecting you from the effects of dairy.
Speaking of which, kefir provides several useful perks to your health. We’ll cover what those are below to encourage you to start drinking kefir!
One great benefit of kefir is that it’s nutrient-rich.
Your body needs an assortment of nutrients to effectively function, so anything that contains them in abundance will be a smart choice. It can be difficult to get enough nutrients if you don’t have a healthy and balanced diet.
This might be relevant for you considering that unhealthy diets are easy to fall into. Fast food and junk food are easy and tasty, making them more appealing alternatives to healthier choices.
Fortunately, kefir is an effective way to supplement your nutrient needs. In particular, kefir tends to contain protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.
Committing to drinking kefir will improve your diet. It starts the day on the right foot, building momentum that helps you to make good eating choices throughout the rest of the day.
Probiotic Dense
Arguably the best perk of kefir is its probiotic density.
When you think of probiotics, yogurt is likely what comes to mind. However, kefir is much better because it often has significantly more probiotics in it than a standard cup of yogurt.
This comes down to the fermentation process and how kefir is made with more bacterias and cultures compared to yogurt. Because of this, kefir is healthier for you than yogurt.
Probiotics are insanely good for your health, aiding several different key functions. The two most relevant of those are your digestive and immune systems, which are both crucial for maintaining the health of your body.
With this in mind, probiotics are the best part of yogurt and kefir. Just remember that kefir has more of the good stuff.
Eased Digestion
As mentioned above, you can drink kefir for eased digestion.
This benefit is a direct result of the high probiotic count found in kefir. Probiotics are fantastic for easing digestion because they improve your gut flora. This is the mixture of bacteria found inside your gut, which plays a role in how effectively you can digest food.
When you drink kefir, you’ll get an abundance of probiotics and it will be easier for you to eat and digest food. You’ll experience more regular bowel movements, fewer upset stomachs, and less gas.
The other aspect of this is that vegan kefir is also lacking dairy. This makes it good for anyone who is already vegan or lactose intolerant as you can still get your probiotics without suffering from dairy’s side effects.
If you tend to have issues with your stomach like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), then consuming kefir can ease your symptoms. Even if you have normal digestion, kefir will help ensure that everything stays regular.
Immune System Support
Lastly, kefir can be used to provide support to your immune system.
This benefit is a combined product of kefir containing an abundance of nutrients and probiotics. Both of these ingredients are so good for your health because they help prevent you from getting sick.
In other words, they boost your immune system. If you have a strong immune system, then you won’t catch the common cold often. On the other hand, you’ll be sick several times a year if your immune system is a little weak.
To make up for this, you can drink some kefir every day. This will help your body defend against and fight off dangerous bacteria.
Closing Thoughts
Kefir is an excellent yogurt-like alternative that is packed with several excellent ingredients. It’s similar to yogurt but differs in that more live cultures are used to create it.
This means that kefir has many benefits similar to yogurt, yet tends to be more effective at providing them. Specifically, kefir is amazing for your digestive health and immune system thanks to the sheer amount of nutrients and probiotics in it.
With this in mind, consider drinking a cup of vegan kefir each day to help your body thrive. After a few weeks of drinking it, you’ll begin to appreciate how much better you feel throughout the day!