Yellow Teeth in Kids: To What Degree Is This Normal?

Parents worry about the health and appearance of their child’s teeth. They want their children to feel confident in the appearance of their smiles. Many…


Parents worry about the health and appearance of their child’s teeth. They want their children to feel confident in the appearance of their smiles. Many parents begin to panic when they see their child’s adult teeth coming in yellow. With this information, parents will understand what this means and whether their child needs dental treatment.

yellow teeth child

Why Are Permanent Teeth Yellow?

At the dental clinic for kids, yellow teeth in kids are a common concern for parents. They expect their children to have healthy, pearly whites, but then the baby teeth are lost and the adult teeth start to come in yellow. If this is happening with a child, it is important parents do not panic.

Parents need to know adult teeth have much more dentin than baby teeth, making them appear darker or even more yellow. These teeth also have much larger nerve canals than baby teeth, and adult teeth are more transparent when they first cut through the gum tissue.

The stark contrast between the lighter baby teeth and the darker adult teeth can make it appear as if the child’s new teeth are yellowed. As the child sheds their baby teeth and all their adult teeth grow in, these teeth will lighten and whiten more over time. This is a normal process and should not worry parents.

When Are Yellow Teeth Not Normal?

While most new adult teeth are yellow, and this is a normal occurrence, there are some instances where yellow teeth are not normal. The following offers some common reasons a child could begin to experience tooth discoloration.

Poor Dental Hygiene

Poor dental hygiene is a common cause for a child’s teeth to yellow. If they are not brushing and flossing as often as they should, or not effective, they could begin to develop a thick coating of plaque on their teeth, which could lead to yellowing. It is important children are monitored during brushing and flossing until they can demonstrate effectiveness.

Foods and Beverages

Some foods and beverages can cause tooth stains, even if they are healthy food choices. Berries, tomatoes, and carrots are all prime contenders for causing tooth stains. Colas and colored beverages are also likely to cause stains on a child’s teeth. The severity of the staining will depend on how often a child consumes these foods and beverages. It is a good idea to encourage children to drink plenty of water after eating these foods. They should also brush after a meal featuring foods that are known to stain the teeth.

How Are Discolored Teeth Treated?

If a parent believes their child’s teeth may be yellow due to reasons outside of the norm, it is important they schedule an appointment with the pediatric dentist. The dentist will evaluate the child’s teeth and determine if there are any concerns that need to be addressed. Sometimes, a child simply needs good teeth cleaning service and the yellowing becomes greatly reduced.


While it can seem alarming to have a child’s teeth grow in yellow, this is common and not something that should overly worry parents. If a parent is truly concerned about yellow teeth in kids, it would be wise to schedule an appointment for their child with the dentist. A full examination will reveal if there are any oral health issues that need to be addressed. In most cases, this is simply a normal process, and the teeth will lighten up over time.

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