DIY Foodie: Choco Apple Macaroni Salad

Sometimes, it is fun to experiment with whatever is available for making yummy snacks. Today, I created a salad which Bella called as “ice cream”…


Sometimes, it is fun to experiment with whatever is available for making yummy snacks. Today, I created a salad which Bella called as “ice cream” because of the combination of cream and choco syrup. Salads are one of my favorites. I especially love the taste of condensed milk and cream together that is why I would have these stuffs in the kitchen most of the time so that I can just dunk some fruits into it whenever I want to. Well, today’s recipe is just simple. I combined:

Sliced Apples
Condensed Milk
Cubed Cheese
Chocolate Syrup

First, cook the macaroni the usual way by boiling water with a little bit of salt and oil. Then after draining, mix it with the rest of the ingredients except the chocolate syrup. The choco syrup is optional. But if you mix it with the salad, it tastes really yummy and totally chocolatey! So, instead of placing it on the entire mixture, anyone who would love to have chocolate would just place it on his own cup or container.

You can also try experimenting with any fruits and you’ll get a yummy dessert!


  1. I'm always a sucker for anything with condensed milk in it – sounds interesting! I've never thought of using macaroni for something sweet before but this combination does sound good.

    🙂 luana @

  2. This looks like something I could easily make vegan! But the chocolate sounds so strange!! Good thing it's optional 🙂

  3. hmmmm, very interesting. Doesn't look like something my children would personally eat but I do agree that its fun to throw things together sometimes. We did that recently and grabbed random things to throw together for a dinner lol.

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