Advice for New Moms Wanting to Lose Post-Baby Weight

First of all, Congratulations! You are amazing for bringing a brand new human safely into this world is an awesome fete. Life is about to…


First of all, Congratulations! You are amazing for bringing a brand new human safely into this world is an awesome fete. Life is about to change in a huge way; the things you thought were important will be overshadowed by the wonderful, challenging journey of motherhood.

While the baby is now your priority, let’s also remember that your wants and needs are important too. So if you’re wondering how to get your pre-baby body back, we’re here with some straightforward tips to help you lose that postpartum weight.

Whether it’s a tummy tuck, a new diet or the latest workout trend, giving someone weight loss advice comes with an abundance of caveats. However, there are times when losing those excess kilos is vital for our health and wellbeing and shifting that postpartum weight gain is one of them.

Lose Post-baby Weight

Naturally, we lose weight during childbirth and afterwards in the form of retained liquid. You may also continue to lose weight as a new, busy mom particularly if you breastfeed. However, unless you’ve been particularly mindful about gaining too much weight during pregnancy, you’ll need to invest a little more effort and hard work into losing the rest.

A recent worldwide study of more than 1.3 million women from around the globe found that 38% were overweight during pregnancy. Of course, the amount of gestational weight gain can determine how much and the length of time postpartum weight is retained, which can lead to obesity if unchecked.

The good news is that dealing with this excess weight gain may not be as complicated as you think. With these common-sense weight loss tips, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your post-baby weight goals or kick-starting your motivation to getting there.

Get healthy

Those regular visits with your health care professional to monitor gestational weight gain are so important because it can have an overall effect on the health of both you and your baby. A healthy weight gain during pregnancy is based on your pre-pregnancy BMI and gaining more than the recommended weight simply means more to shed later.

It’s often after delivery that women struggle to balance their successes with setbacks in losing weight, so the ideal way to ensure you lose that weight quickly is to enjoy a healthy balanced lifestyle pre-conception, throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Some of the biggest issues women face when trying to lose weight postpartum are time and motivation issues and the need for support. Obviously, postpartum weight loss has its challenges so it really helps to be in great shape before you get pregnant.


So let’s say you haven’t kept up with your regular workouts and super healthy eating during pregnancy, this doesn’t mean all hope is lost once baby arrives. As long as there are no restrictions around your health, a good exercise regime can form a major part of your weight-loss program.

Though it can be difficult to get started, you should make exercise a part of your daily routine as soon as possible. As the baby grows and changes this routine may need to be adjusted but there are many ways to manage these challenges. Incorporate do-able fitness into your life such as mother and baby yoga, which is great from newborn, to joining a nearby gym with great creche facilities. And if your budget doesn’t stretch to a gym membership then trade babysitting with another mom and take it in turns going for a run or a brisk walk.

Aside from weight loss, it’s important to note that there are other advantages to exercise such as improved cardio fitness, enhanced moods and an opportunity for social interaction. As a side note, your exercise routine should have no risk to your breast milk or infant development.

Food & Nutrition

This may seem obvious but it’s worth pointing out that what and how much you eat is very important in losing that excess post-pregnancy weight. Keeping your energy high and being able to take care of yourself and your child is your priority so it’s generally not a good idea to follow the latest fad diet at this time.

It’s generally considered that breastfeeding mothers will lose weight easier than non-breastfeeding mothers plus they can consume an extra 500 calories per day than they did before pregnancy but optimal nutrition is also key, so make those calories count for you and baby by avoiding foods high in trans fats or refined sugar.

Practice self-care

Healthy weight loss at this time may seem important but the food you eat and the exercise you do will also be crucial for your mental and physical health. Proactively taking care of yourself doesn’t mean you’re not focussing enough on baby, in fact, the opposite is true.

It might take a little organization and some support for family and friends but self-care is fundamental to weight loss because you’re less likely to stress eat and are substantially more aware of your own wants and needs.

Examples of self-care are personal but might include things like meditation, taking a break from social media or even having a manicure. As long as it is about your wants and needs being fulfilled, at least for a short time, it’s self-care.

Surgical procedures

We certainly don’t advocate that you run out immediately after childbirth and have an abdominoplasty but the fact is that once you make the decision that your family is complete, childbirth may have taken a dramatic physical toll on your body.

Even after weight loss, this physical reminder can have a massive psychological effect on some mothers. Despite working to achieve an ideal weight with exercise and good nutrition there can be muscle damage or too much excess skin for the body to spring back into shape naturally.

In this instance, a tummy tuck might be worth considering and a consultation with a qualified and experienced surgeon will certainly give you an idea of what to expect from an abdominoplasty. The tummy tuck is a great ‘mommy makeover’ postpartum and can also help repair lower stomach muscles, ease persistent back pain and resolve loose skin following significant weight loss.

Quality sleep patterns

With a newborn in the home comes the acceptance that you’ll be sleep deprived for the foreseeable future. There are numerous studies connecting sleep deprivation in new moms with postpartum weight retention. Several of these studies suggesting that there is a substantial risk of retaining post-baby weight long term if there is significant sleep deprivation.

As a new mum you are assumed to be perpetually tired and remedying this seems all but impossible. However, there are a few simple things you can do to optimize sleep patterns during that first year, such as, sharing night feeds with your partner, taking naps with the baby during the day and turning down the baby monitor so you aren’t disturbed by every snuffle in the night.
Over to you, mamma!

Advice for New Moms Wanting to Lose Post-Baby Weight

This advice aims to help you lose the weight safely while recognizing that you have just experienced the wondrous yet traumatic process of childbirth.

So, be patient with your body, prepare lots of nutritious meals and snacks, get lots of rest and find a fitness regime that works for you – this journey might take a little time to enjoy the process.

Prioritizing food and nutrition with some regular exercise is going to be crucial for losing those postpartum kilos. Being outdoors, socializing and giving your mind and body everything it needs means a happier healthier mom able to care for her baby in a time of great stress and life-changing events.

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