Top Tips on Creating a Fun Kids Bedroom

Looking for the perfect decoration for your kid’s bedroom could be a real headache sometimes.In truth, there isn’t a secret to achieving the right decor….


Looking for the perfect decoration for your kid’s bedroom could be a real headache sometimes.

In truth, there isn’t a secret to achieving the right decor. You only need to know what your child likes and he or she will no doubt end up happy about it.

So if you are currently in need of ideas and tips to redecorate your kid’s bedroom, you are on the right page. In the end, you will surely give your kids the bedroom of their dreams!

So what are you waiting for?

Scroll down and take a look at the tips below:

1. Include technology.

We all know that kids love gadgets. Some kids have their iPads or tablets where they can watch movies and learn new things by playing games.

But aside from that, you can add some items in their room that make use of modern technology like a remote-controlled ceiling fan or air condition unit. 

It would also be fun if you let them control the lights, sounds, and others via their smartphones or iPads.

2. Add hiding places.

Hiding places like a tent, a teepee, or a den are fun for children. Well, this isn’t merely for playing hide and seek but this will also allow them to have a private time while reading books.

Let them decorate their own space which will make them feel that it is indeed their place.

3. Keep it comfortable.

Add lots of comfy cushions and throw pillows in your child’s bedroom. It will look fun if they come in many different colors and prints.

You can also add a sofa but if you don’t want that because of limited floor area, try adding an extra mattress so they can use it when friends come over to play.

4. Choose a theme.

Ask your children what theme they want to have in their bedroom. It could be based on their favorite character or movie.

For sure, you can find some items that will fit that theme or you can adapt a certain look that will make it appear like one scene in the movie.

You can add wallpaper, and murals or create your design on the wall. Then add little details to create the total look. 

But there is one thing that you need to remember: Once they grow out of it, you would need to redecorate the bedroom again.

See? It isn’t that hard to create a fun bedroom for the children. Just let your imagination work and of course, you have to spend time working on it so your ideas will come to life!

Image Credit: 1. Delray Beach 2. Bedroom Beach 3. Girls Travel Bedroom 4. Extreme Makeover


  1. It's been a long time goal to make improvements in our home. Especially my kids bedrooms. I have 2 teens now and I'm a bit sad that I wasn't able to give them their dream bedroom. Pretty soon they'll be gone and on their own. I have my youngest though and hopefully I can still make it happen for them.

  2. These photos not only want me to redecorate my kids' but our room as well! Maybe it's because my husband and I are always kids at heart? I love the part where we'll include tech on the decor, and maybe I can also add in a secret door that leads to a library/study area… :p

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