DIY Foodie: Lunchbox Ham and Cheese Rolled Sandwich

I know every mom is looking for an easy recipe to make for their kid’s lunchbox or maybe even for a snack at home for…


Lunchbox Ham and Cheese Rolled Sandwich

I know every mom is looking for an easy recipe to make for their kid’s lunchbox or maybe even for a snack at home for the entire family. It would be amazing to be able to make a foodie that is yummy for just a few minutes.

My mother used to make sandwich rolls but hers were still dipped in egg and rolled in bread crumbs and then fried. Well, they taste really good. But for my version of rolled sandwich, it is a “lazy” version. Lol.  So, if your little one is having a summer class like mine or you are spending a day at home this summer, I am going to show you a pretty easy recipe.

What You Need:
Sliced Bread
Jolly Real Mayonnaise 

What to Do:
1. First, fry the ham or buy cooked ham.
2. Use a rolling pin to flatten the bread. You can remove the brown part if you want to. For mine, I removed it so it is easier to roll.
3. Now spread the mayonnaise and ketchup on both side of the bread.
4. Add ham and cheese and place the other bread on top to complete the sandwich.
5. Roll it slowly and you are done!

Pretty easy, right? For my rolls, I wrapped some colorful paper around them and tied them with ribbons so it will look fun. I got the idea of the presentation from She Knows. She really knows how to make food look amazing! But hers was a lot better than mine. lol

So, if you want to add some twist to your little one’s snack time, this Ham and Cheese Sandwich would be easy to prepare and yes, they taste good too!


  1. Great lunch idea to add to my kids' menu. I am always so confused what to pack foro their lunch.

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